It’s time to get the prospect off the fence…. Scroll down for example scripts to close your prospect like a pro! o-WOMAN-TEXTING-facebook.jpg “The Close” Before closing a prospect, it is very important that by this stage you have built up a good rapport and you actually have an understanding of what they want or need. Our goal is to simply find out where the prospect stands. We’re not looking to beg, bug, chase or convince. All we want is the truth, this way we aren't wasting our time or theirs. IMPORTANT POINTS Don’t talk or say too much! If texting, keep it short and sweet without waffling about stuff that isn't important. As always, listen carefully to your prospect during the close. Keep it simple and always have in your mind, what problem can I solve here? Always maintain posture and don’t put too much pressure on the prospect. SCRIPTS Close 1 Ok, let me ask you a question, do you want to make more money? (Prospect will more than likely say “Yes, of course”) Ok, do you see how can help you make more money? (Prospect will more than likely say “Yes”) Right ok, when would be the best time for you to start making more money? (The obvious answer will be “well right away”) Brilliant! Let me help you get signed up now then - ask for details and sign the person up. The 4 Question Close If you were to do this, how much money would you need to make each month to consider this worth your time? How many hours a week could you commit to develop that income? How many months would you work those hours in order to get you…... per month? (manage expectations here) If I could show you how to develop ……. per month, working …... hours per week over the next….. months, would you be ready to get started? (Listen to the answer as it will determine the seriousness of the prospect.) Close 2 So what did you like about what you saw in the video? How much additional income are you actually looking to make? What would you use the money for? (Make a mental note of their answer) with the income you have coming in now, are you going to be able to: (Repeat their above answer) (Listen and be quiet) , you have two choices, you can take a chance on this opportunity, and give it your best shot, so you can start pursuing your dreams and goals, or you can continue with your life as it is now and never get to where you truly want and deserve. So what’s it going to be, are you willing to learn? Are you willing work? (Listen carefully to their answer here) Well let’s get you registered with and let's begin your training right away. Close 3 Hey So you watched the video I sent you, what did you like best? (Listen to the answer as this question usually always has a positive response. So follow up with this question) Well that’s great, i felt exactly the same when i first watched it. Tell me, do you see an opportunity for yourself here? (They will either say, “Yes, I see an opportunity for myself” or “No, I don’t see the opportunity”. This is the main answer that you should be looking for, because it will determine who your serious prospects are. If they say “No” you won’t be wasting any more time with them, and you move on. Remember through the whole process you are sorting and not convincing. But if they say “Yes”, you move on the next question) Is there anything else you need to know before getting started with us TODAY? (This is what we call the assumptive close, because if there really isn’t anything else they need to know before they get started, that means, that they are ready to get started. Now you can go to the next steps which is getting details for signing up the prospect.) Close 4 What did you like best about what you have seen so far? Do you see yourself making little money or BIG money in this business? How much is BIG money to you? What would you do with that money? At your current job, how long will it take for you to earn that amount of money? (Your prospect then realizes that he’ll never make enough money at his job to achieve what he really wants in life.) You immediately follow with Obviously, this business is a much better option. Let’s get you started now. We just need to confirm some information. (Say this confidently and now ask for the prospects details to sign up The key is question number 5. When you ask that question, the prospect will realize that MLM makes more sense and without it, they will probably not achieve their life goals (what they stated they wanted in question number 4. Key Phrases that will help you “This may or may not be for you” “Timing is always personal. It is up to you to decide when to move forward.” “Here is what we do. See if it is a fit for you.” “Would you like to hear and see how others handled that problem?” “What do you want to know first?” “What do you want to know next?” “We either make a decision to move forward, or we make a decision to stay where we are. Only you know what is right for you.” FullSizeRender.jpg