Inviting People you know well…. Scroll down to find a variety of warm network approaches you can try. wjrhvx9t2eisuhmsgfqezugm7mhbd3esah870cr1vkfpczma2rvxvry1oylbbtyo-.jpg “Warm Market Invite” The biggest mistake people make in Network Marketing is that they don’t know how to properly approach and invite their warm market. Make sure you take the time to learn how to do it professionally and increase your chances of success. Remember, before inviting you should know if your prospect is open to hearing about your opportunity WITHOUT SPAMMING. Don't waste time on people who aren't open for opportunity in the first place. IMPORTANT POINTS Introduction - be in a hurry Complement the prospect Approach your warm market with an open mind without assuming or being concerned with the outcome. Don't say too much. The less you say the more you earn. Don't get defensive and burn your bridges if they say No. Ensure you have respect and build rapport. Don't bug or pester your prospect. Deal with responses like a professional. Script 1 – “Direct Approach” Hi hope you are well, quick question if you don’t mind? (You will then get a reply from your Prospect- Usually a “Go ahead” or “Sure”) The reason for the message is that I am working on a new project and with your background I think it may be something you would want to take a serious look at. It may or may not be for you, but I wondered if you’d be open to taking a look at it? (Another reply from your Prospect - Usually “What is it?”) It’s a bit much to explain over a message but if i send over a short video that explains it all would you watch it? Or Rather than take up your time on the phone, I would like to send you all the details on video. Then if you have questions, we can talk. (Another reply from Prospect - Usually “Yes ok”) Brilliant, when would you have time to sit down and take a look at it? (Reply from Prospect (make sure you get a time commitment) Great, I will send you the video then, I’ll catch up with you later. Script 2 - “Direct Approach” Hi hope you are well, listen I have something we need to chat about. I have found an opportunity and when I thought about who could make a lot of money from this, you were one of the first people I thought of. It may or may not be for you but if I sent you across some information, would you be open to taking a look at it? (Reply from Prospect) Awesome, when would you have time to sit down and take a look at it? (Reply from Prospect (make sure you get a time commitment) Great, I will send you the video then, I’ve got to shoot to a meeting so I’ll catch up with you later. Script 3 - “Indirect Approach” Hi hope you are well, listen I need your advice. I have just started a new project and I’d appreciate your feedback on it. If I sent you across some information would you be happy to take a look at it and give me some feedback? (Reply from Prospect) Awesome, when would you have time to sit down and take a look at it? Reply from Prospect (make sure you get a time commitment) Great, I will send you the video then, appreciate your time. I’ll catch up with you later. Script 4 – “Super Indirect Approach” Hi hope you are well. I know you are busy but I have just started a new project and I’m really excited about it. Don’t worry I know it’s not for you but I was wondering if you would be open to giving me your feedback on it. You have been really successful with everything that you do, therefore I would really appreciate your thoughts. If I sent you some information across would you be happy to take a look at it for me? Script 5 – “Referral Approach” Hi hope you are well. I’m working on a new project and wanted to see if anyone you know comes to mind that is looking for a way to make an additional income? Script 6 – “Fear of Loss” Hi hope you are well. Listen I have just started a new project and I think I am onto something big here, so I wanted to let you know what I’m doing. If this goes half as well as I think it might and I didn’t tell you about it, I don’t think you’d speak to me again! It may or may not be for you but if I sent you across some information, would you be open to taking a look at it? Script 7 – “Market Research” Hi hope you are well, listen I know you aren’t interested in my business but I could really use your help. I’ve been asked to do some market research on a new product that our company has just released. I need some people who I can trust to give me their honest opinion. If I sent it across would you be happy to provide some feedback? Script 8 – “Meet in Person / Talk on the Phone” Hey what’s your schedule like this week? (Reply from Prospect) Let’s set up a time to talk / time to meet. I’ve got something I think you need to see. (Reply from Prospect) It’s a new project that I am working on and I want to see if you or anyone you know comes to mind, it would be a huge help. It would be great to catch up either way! Script 9 – “The Opinion Approach” Hey what’s your schedule like this week? (Reply from Prospect) Let’s set up a time to talk / time to meet. I have something I want to share with you that i think you need to see. (Reply from Prospect) It’s a new project that I am working on. I need someone that I can trust to give me some honest feedback, I really value & respect your opinion when it comes to things like this. It would be good to catch up either way. FullSizeRender.jpg