I just don't have the money right now….. Scroll down to see how you can overcome this common objection. undefined.jpg “Money Objection” The money objection is very common and it's usually just an “escape” for your prospect. As a business owner in the Network Marketing industry, you have to be prepared for this and it's very normal. A formula that fits ALL objections is to listen, ask questions, relate (feel, felt, found), tell a story about that, and “If I could show you how to (solve the objection) would you be open to hearing a little bit more about it?” Approach 1 Tell me more about that… Listen to what the prospect says Tell me this… do you really WANT to do it? Wait for the prospect to answer Are you sure? Get the prospect to commit fully and judge their seriousness If you really want to make this work for you, what can we do to help you find the money? Approach 2 If the money wasn’t an issue, would you be ready to get started today? Listen and pay attention to the answer Ok, I’ll start working with you as if you did start, help you find some interested people while you’re working to come up with the money. Does that sound good? (If they aren’t willing to take any action, they’re most likely not interested.) Approach 3 How much longer do you want to have that problem? What are you doing now to change that? (Listen to the answer carefully) How does that make you feel not having the money? Let’s get to work together and let me help you change that, so you never have to feel that way again. Approach 4 If I could show you how to get the start up money, would you be open to hearing how? (Then show them how to sell the startup products) Approach 5 Are you trying to get in or are you trying to get out? Meaning if you have the money is this something that you would want to join? Or you are just kind of saying that because you really don’t want to do it? Ask them that question and If they say: Yeah man I would actually really like to get involved. Ask them: Okay so you are saying to me that you don’t have XX amount in your bank account or on a credit card. Is that correct? You say: Okay you told me earlier that if you have the money you would want to join. It sounds like you have the money. Is this something that you are ready to join? FullSizeRender.jpg