What to do when a prospect ignores you or goes silent….? Scroll down to find a variety of ways to handle this situation. mchwpe8ljsqa5cyfngazwahz9cp1eukbrbfssxtc7u9x8fj6ldsl27jxdmbj64wf-.jpg “Miscellaneous scripts” Sometimes there are situations when we just don't know what to say to prospects. They may have gone silent, ignored your text or even said NO to your opportunity. It's important to stay professional and say the right things in these situations to maintain posture and not fully switch off your prospect. After all, a NO is usually just a NO for now. SCRIPT 1 “The Take Away Method” (Someone who has ignored your messages numerous times) Hi just wanted to let you know that judging by your lack of response, that you are no longer interested in the opportunity and I just wanted to say that’s totally fine. I really appreciate your time but just so you know, this will be the last time I contact you about this. In fact I will cross you off my list but thanks for your time. But if I have this totally wrong and you are still interested make sure you call/message me back right away. SCRIPT 2 “Create a Fear of Loss” (Someone who has previously said NO) Hi I had to get back in touch with you and see if the timing was any better for you and me to maybe talk about the business opportunity. Here’s the reason why, I’ve just been to a major event with the company and I have never in my life been more excited about anything. If this goes half as well as I think it might over the next year, and I’m where I think I could be a year from now and I didn’t reach back out to you and at least try again one more time, I honestly think you’d never forgive me. It may or may not be for you but would you at least be open to taking a look at it? SCRIPT 3 The “I Totally Messed it Up” Approach (Someone you approached before but you said the wrong things) Hey Long time no talk, how is everything? I owe you an apology. The last time that we spoke I shared my business with you and did it totally wrong. I didn’t realize it at the time, but I know better now. Things have been going really well and I’ve been thinking about you. I wanted to see if you would be open to having a conversation and give me the opportunity to share with you what I’m doing the correct way? It may or may not be for you, but maybe you know someone who would be interested. Either way, I appreciate your time. SCRIPT 4 The “Checking Back In” Approach (Someone who has said NO previously) Hey Long time no speak! How is everything? Build Rapport (couple of messages catching up - not too much!) Listen, I was thinking about you today and just wanted to check back in and see if the timing was any better for us to possibly revisit the opportunity that we spoke about before. I’m really excited about what’s been happening and I’d love to update you on what’s been going on. You open for a chat?