I just don't have the time…. Scroll down to see how you can overcome this common objection. time_1920x1200.jpg “Time Objection” The time objection is one of the most common. We all have 24 hours in a day but we need to show our prospect that they can do this if they really want to. A formula that fits ALL objections is to listen, ask questions, relate (feel, felt, found), tell a story about that, and “If I could show you how to (solve the objection) would you be open to hearing a little bit more about it?” Approach 1 Tell me more about that… (Listen to the answer) Ok, If you keep doing what you’re currently doing for the next 2 - 3 years will that ever change? Do you want to have more free time? (Listen to the answer) If I could show you a way to get some of your time back by working with me and helping you leverage the efforts of others, would you be willing to put aside only 5 - 7 hours per week to make it work? Approach 2 Ok, so if I could show you a way to do this alongside of what you already do, without interfering with current commitments, would you like to hear a little bit more? Approach 3 How much longer do you plan on having that problem? Having no time I mean. What are you doing now to change that? Approach 4 If that changes let me know. Most people do this part time around everything else in their busy lives to top up the bank account. Approach 5 Thats perfect then, most people who do this are very busy but still make it work and have become very successful. If I could show you how to fit this in around your current job, would you be open to hearing more? Approach 6 Ok, thanks for the reply. How does that feel not having any free time? Approach 7 Yes, i hear you. So how about this. Let’s look at your schedule and your daily habits, and find ways we can carve out time for you to make this work around your day. That’s if you really want to. If we could do that, would that be something that would interest you? Approach 8 Yes, I was like that too when I first started. Couldn't find a spare second. But when i actually sat down and really looked at how i use my time everyday, I found that I kind of wasted 3 hours a day doing nothing. Now I use those 3 hours to make more money or develop friendships. It’s great. If I could show you how to do that, would you be open to making it work? Approach 9 I understand how you feel. I felt the same way when I got started. I was employed full time, and working this business very part time. But that’s not uncommon. We’vefound that most people work this business in very part time hours – working it into your everyday life on your own time, on your own terms.