Most people talk themselves out of a sale or sponsoring a new prospect…. So what is it you do? The dreaded question! I’ve found that when someone is asked this question, no one really seems to know how to answer it without turning into a pinky ring salesman! We have all had this question at some point and most of the time we always SAY THE WRONG THING! We end up talking so much that we scare the prospect off and quite frankly, turn them off! So from today….STOP doing it! You don't need to talk about your compensation plan, your products or how amazing everyone is, or how you're a new company and you need to get in now before you miss the boat blah blah… We just keep it very simple and intriguing. The Steps Firstly, answer the question (Using an example below) by saying as little as possible and without trying to oversell or be cheesy! But above all, don’t say too much and MAINTAIN POSTURE AND CONFIDENCE. Don’t try and present on the spot as you will fall flat on your face! Once you've answered the question, LISTEN to how the person responds. (This is Key) If the prospect asks another question and seems enthusiastic, that shows that he/she is interested, again, hold fire on the salesman tactics, remain cool and don't say too much to talk yourself out of a potential prospect. Your job now is to let your tools do the work later on when you follow up properly. (See follow up section) From here you would say - “Now is not really the time as we are but when i get home I would be happy to send you some info. Plus, it's more visual for you to really get the full picture. Would you be happy for me to send you some info?” If the person says “yes, send me the info i would love to hear more” then just use the follow up section to see how you follow up like a pro. If the person after answering the first question doesn't seem interested at all, it's not your job to convince and try to sell them. This is why it's important to listen to their tonality and answer. You just go on with your day and enjoy the persons company. They may not be interested or they may not even care so don't go into “Salesman Sam” mode. Examples to answer the question “I show people how to make money online” “I show people how to potentially retire early” “I teach people how to make a part time income from home” “I teach people how to make money using the internet” “I train people to make an income from home” “I teach people how to increase their cashflow online” “I help people run their own business from home” “I show people how to make money on Facebook” These are just a few examples that I use personally and they always get a response “Oh wow, how do you do that?” This is the crucial part because I never go into it and follow the steps above. Remember, not everyone is going to be a prospect. It's your role to qualify the person before you go further down the path. Stay professional, don't be a salesman and above all have the posture to take the opportunity away if people aren't a fit.